Sunday night's celebrity Family Feud edition took a turn when legendary NFL Hall of Famer Bruce Smith responded with this answer (BE ADVISED: ADULT NATURE)
As discussed in sports this morning, the University of Texas will continue to sing "The Eyes of Texas" at sporting events, although Black student-athletes have asked the school to scrap it. They claim it has ties to blackface minstrel shows and is offensive. For more on the history of the song and the controversy around it, CLICK HERE. The school did announce it is changing the name of Joe Jamail Field to former Heisman Trophy winners Earl Campbell and Ricky Williams. UT will also erect a Julius Whittier statue outside the football stadium. Whittier was the first Longhorns' Black football player.
As COVID hotspots flare, some states are seeing a decrease in cases. Plus, when will schools reopen and what impact will the pandemic have on evictions and other economic struggles. NBC News Radio's Michael Bower breaks down the latest numbers with Tony.
The men and women working to protect the lives of their neighbors are putting their own lives on the line. And in 2020, it isn’t domestic disturbances, car accidents or armed assailants taking the largest toll. It’s COVID-19. The Officer Down Memorial Page, which is updated daily, lists coronavirus as the number-one cause of law-enforcement/detention-offer deaths in 2020. 52 cops have succumbed to COVID-19 compared with 29 by gunfire. ABC News' Jim Ryan breaks down the numbers with Tony.
Numerous challenges lie ahead for JCPS and Dr. Marty Polio. He joins Tony to talk about it.
A number of issues face Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer. He joins Tony for his weekly chat.