We've featured a lot of dumb criminals in our "video of the day", but this guy may take the cake as he shoots himself in the leg fleeing from police. See for yourself in today's "Video of The Day"
Our own Paul Rogers was wrapping up sports 17 years ago when then host Bob Sokoler was breaking the news. Heart the broadcast as it aired that morning.
The 9/11 attacks happened 17 years ago, but many are still suffering and dying in the aftermath. On that day, 2,997 people died as a direct result of the attacks, most of them at the World Trade Center in New York City but others in the attack at the Pentagon and the United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania. Thousands of others were injured, and in the years since, many thousands more have gotten sick or died as a result of the time they spent in recovery efforts at Ground Zero. As of August 31, the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund set up by Congress in 2011 had found 20,874 claimants eligible for compensation and had awarded more than $4.3 billion. Among those who have received or are deemed eligible for awards are more than 16,000 responders to the World Trade Center attack site in New York City. These are the people who performed rescue, recovery, demolition and debris cleanup in the aftermath, and included police, firefighters and FBI agents from the city and surrounding areas. To put things in perspective: On 9/11, 343 NY firefighters and 23 NY police officers perished. From that day to this, 182 NY firefighters (including 18 in just the last 12 months) and 156 NY police officers have died of 9/11-related illnesses. ABC's Aaron Katersky is at the site formerly known as Ground Zero and talks with Joe.
Mayor Greg Fischer joins Joe as he honors Louisville's first responders on this 9/11.
Today's teens are constantly on their smartphones, many check social media "constantly" and prefer texting over face-to-face communication. But a new poll finds that these same teens also say that social media has a positive effect on their lives, helping them feel more confident, less lonely and less depressed. The poll was released Monday by Common Sense Media, a San Francisco-based nonprofit group focused on kids' use of media and technology. It found that 89 percent of teenagers have their own smartphone. That's up from 41 percent in 2012, the last time the survey was conducted. But while 2012's teens were all over Facebook, the age group's presence on the social network has plummeted in the past six years. Only 15 percent of teens now say Facebook is their main social network. In 2012, 68 percent did. Today, 44 percent of teens say their primary social network is Snapchat, making it the most popular social media app, followed by Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) at 22 percent. Cheri will have more of the survey’s findings. How will they match up to your own teen's choices?
At Monday's White House press briefing, Sarah Sanders was asked if the president really intends to put his credibility up against Bob Woodward’s, an "august member of the press corps, [who] helped take Richard Nixon down and is a legend." And while one of the attributes that got Donald Trump elected president was his show of strength by never letting a challenge go unanswered, is he only hurting himself with this battle? Shouldn’t he instead be focusing the nation’s attention on the positive accomplishments of his administration -- accomplishments that could be reversed in November if he doesn't let this one go? ABC Political Analyst Alex Castellanos breaks it down with Joe Elliott.