The BLR (Bad Lip Reading) crew is back at it again and this may be one of their best! See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"
Two former NFL cheerleaders who are suing the league for discrimination say they are not in it for the money. Former Miami Dolphins cheerleader Kristan Ware and former New Orleans Saints cheerleader Bailey Davis are offering to end their discrimination cases for just $1 each if NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and league lawyers would agree to a meeting. If that were to happen, the women said they hope to address the list of concerns from dozens of cheerleaders, which include allegations of harassment, low pay, long hours and strict rules on everything from weight to social media use. The league has until May 4 to accept or reject the deal proposed by Ware and Davis.
People who know Travis Reinking, the 29-year-old suspected of killing four people at an all-night diner in suburban Nashville on Sunday, say they saw signs of troubling behavior long before the bloodshed at the Waffle House. A former boss at a Colorado crane company said Reinking appeared paranoid and delusional and a onetime co-worker said he was obsessed with singer Taylor Swift.
Two former NFL cheerleaders who are suing the league for discrimination say they are not in it for the money. Former Miami Dolphins cheerleader Kristan Ware and former New Orleans Saints cheerleader Bailey Davis are offering to end their discrimination cases for just $1 each if NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and league lawyers would agree to a meeting. If that were to happen, the women said they hope to address the list of concerns from dozens of cheerleaders, which include allegations of harassment, low pay, long hours and strict rules on everything from weight to social media use. The league has until May 4 to accept or reject the deal proposed by Ware and Davis.
The Bill Cosby Jury went to work Wednesday after 12 days of testimony. NBC News Radio Correspondent Bill Zimpfer will have the latest on action inside and outside the courthouse in Norristown Pa.
President Trump nominees are having some bad press days and official concerns over their positions, and it is bringing Trump’s vetting procedures into question. Mulvaney says that he only spoke to lobbyists that paid him and that lobbyists and bankers should pay to navigate the swamp. Will Jackson back off VA Nomination? NBC News Radio's Michael Bower has and update on Jackson’s allegations.