All I wanted to do was go home after a long day at work..... see how this driver nearly missed a catastrophic fate when trying to leave an Austin parking garage.
A vote of no-confidence for the Chief of Police. LMPD spokesman Vadim Dale responds.
As word that some health insurers are considering double-digit increases to premiums in 2018 because of policy "uncertainty" from the Trump administration, President Trump has been questioning the leadership of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. On Thursday, the president said he's "very disappointed" in McConnell for his failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. ABC's Aaron Katersky joins Tony to talk about it.
There's no doubt in Taylor Swift's mind that former Denver radio personality David Mueller put his hand up Swift's skirt during a photo op, and grabbed her bare butt cheek intentionally. That was her testimony in federal court yesterday morning. And what's big at the box office this weekend? That and more in Friday's Entertainment News.
The threat from North Korea looms large as we head into the weekend. Meanwhile President Trump seems at odds with some members of his own party over how repealing and replacing Obamacare was handled. NBC News Radio National Correspondent Joe Gomez is covering the story in Washington, DC and breaks it down with Tony.