If we can't text and walk, then why do we.....(wait for it). Today's "Video of the Day"
As the effort to pass a healthcare bill has stalled on Capitol Hill due to Senator John McCain's unexpected absence, the US Senate is bracing to jump back into the Russia controversy. NBC News Radio National Correspondent Joe Gomez takes a look with Tony.
President Trump is promoting his plans to renegotiate trade deals and bring factory jobs to the United States. The president's trade policy includes a threat to tax imported steel. Critics say that could lead to a global trade war, targeting products like orange juice, dairy goods and whiskey. CBS's Mark Strassmann reports.
A busy day in entertainment news. A new life for Ray Romano and someone will own previously unheard Michael Jackson material. That and much more in today's entertainment news!
Hardly a day goes by that another carmaker or auto-related company doesn’t issue a recall for some of its products. While many of the recalls relate to cosmetic or non-essential vehicle systems, other are crucial to the safe operation of a car or truck. But research suggests that millions of car owners have ignored recall notices. ABC's Jim Ryan breaks it down with Tony.