Can your car do this? What's got everyone turning heads over this SUV? Probably the same reason everyone will hate you in traffic. See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"
Fans say one final good-bye to Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds. Who one the box office this weekend? More in today's entertainment news!
Since he took office, President Trump has issued three executive orders on immigration, including one that opens the door to deporting almost anyone without documentation. Churches and synagogues have responded by welcoming immigrants regardless of their status, and now so have some neighborhoods. In Oregon, Texas and Tennessee, homeowners are banding together to form "defense committees" to support their immigrant neighbors. But some individuals and groups - including immigrants - are pushing back against the "sanctuary neighborhood" concept. ABC's Jim Ryan takes a look with Tony.
Need to keep the kids entertained this spring break? JCPS may be able to help. Tony talks with spokeswoman Allison Martin.