Mayor Fischer Says Feds Will Review Breonna Taylor Case Report

(Louisville, KY) - Federal officials will review LMPD's investigation into the raid on an EMT's apartment that led to her March shooting death. 

Mayor Greg Fischer made the announcement Thursday.

Chief Steve Conrad says the LMPD's Public Integrity Unit is close to completing its investigation with the report to be handed over to U.S. Attorney Russell Coleman's office and the FBI. 

Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by police during a drug raid on her apartment.

Threats Made Against Law Enforcement Over Breonna Taylor Case

(Louisville, KY) - Threats are being made against the Louisville Metro Police Department over the Breonna Taylor case. 

Police say Taylor was shot and killed in March when her boyfriend fired on police during a drug raid at her apartment.

Thursday, Mayor Greg Fischer described the messages as "very aggressive" and "life-threatening." 

Mayor Fischer said members of the city staff are receiving threats too.

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