Metro Council Approves Soccer Stadium Bond Issue

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- The Louisville Metro Council has voted to move forward with plans for a new soccer stadium.

The council approved a $30 million bond for the project and also voted for an ordinance paving the way to apply for state tax increment financing.

The 10,000 seat stadium is part of a $200 million project in Butchertown. Investors have promised $130 million in private investments.

Supporters of the project say a two week delay in the vote helped them understand the plan in full while opponents say now is not the time to make the investment.

Mayor Greg Fischer issued a statement right after the vote, saying "I'm pleased the Metro Council voted to approve this public-private partnership that takes an under-used, very visible swath of land and creates a vibrant new soccer stadium district that builds on the city's momentum and creates over 1,700 jobs."

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