Sunday Rally Planned at EMW Women's Surgical Cener

LOUISVILLE, Ky  --  Kentucky's last abortion clinic is scheduled to close Monday...and the closure is the focus of a rally Sunday afternoon.  Kentucky Health Justice Network Executive Director Marci Crim says the EMW Women's Clinic on West Market has seen its license to operate invalidated by the state and ordered to close Monday April 3rd.  The rally begins at 2:00 p.m. 

Crim says the closure means there are no more women's clinics in the state that offer abortions, even though women in the state continue to seek to end their pregnancies.  Clinic supporters say this lack of health services will mean some women will attempt to self-abort, a dangerous procedure that can be found online by googling self-abortion.

Rally organizers say no matter what the governor and Republican legislators say, Kentucky is a pro-choice state because women still seek to have abortions.

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