NCAA Says Rick Pitino Wasn't Looking For Red Flags In McGee Case

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- The NCAA fires back at Rick Pitino's response to the Notice of Allegations involving the Minardi Hall sex scandal.

In a 118 page rebuttal the NCAA takes specific aim at the response of Rick Pitino, saying he "did not conduct frequent spot checks to uncover potential or existing compliance problems" as relate to former Director of Basketball Operations Andre McGee and his alleged involvement in bringing stripper to Minardi Hall for recruits and players. 

An unidentified former player is quoted in the reports saying Pitino wouldn't know what was going on around the program if it wasn't involving practice or film and says Pitino was never at the dorms.

The filing says Pitino's claim he erroneously trusted Andre McGee is not enough to rebut responsibility for "years of violations committed" by McGee. 

The report says Pitino was not actively looking for red flags or asking pointed questions of McGee or the staff, what they call "basic elements of a head coach's obligation to monitor." 

The NCAA is continuing say Pitino is charged with a "Severe Breach of Conduct".

The matter is expected to go before an NCAA panel for a hearing sometime this summer.

In a statement, U of L says they "regret that NCAA legislation was violated by a former UofL employee. His behavior was shameful and wrong.  We have faith in the NCAA process and look forward to demonstrating at the hearing that Coach Pitino properly monitored his staff."

PHOTO: Getty Images

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