Do influencers really check out what they influence?
The US mission in Iraq looks different now partly because of the coronavirus outbreak: The top US commander says Coalition forces have fewer people in fewer places. Many NATO nations pulled their troops out of Iraq because of fears about coronavirus. CBS News Military Analyst Mike Lyons joins Tony to discuss.
The case of Ahmaud Arbery is getting national attention. NBC News Radio's Bill Zimpfer joins Tony with a look at the shooting that left the young man dead, the video that surfaced, who's facing charges, and all the latest developments
The post COVID 19 economy, what will it look like? CBS News Senior Business Analyst Jill Schlesinger joins Tony with a look.
Toyota workers are back to work today while Ford heads back next week. How are things changing? CBS News Auto Analyst Jeff Gilbert joins Tony.
NCAA President Mark Emmert says it’s unlikely all colleges will be ready to begin fall sports at the same time. He would like every team to have an equal amount of preparation before the seasons begin around Labor Day, but admits that may not be possible as schools create different timelines for reopening campuses. The commissioners of major football conferences would like all 139 teams in 10 conferences to start at the same time, but there is no uniform date. Under NCAA rules, each team needs to play at least nine games, with five games at home. Emmert says leagues are working together to make that happen. ABC's Ryan Burrow is following and breaks it down with Tony.