What does drunk driving look like from a driver's perspective? Wait for it. Take look for yourself in today's "Video of the Day". Stay alive...don't drink and drive!
Today is Primary Day and Mayor Greg Fischer urges you to get out and vote regardless of your party affiliation.
The Federal Communications Commission says that its order ending an era of "net neutrality" on June 11. What does that mean for those of us who use the internet? How will you be affected? What should you prepare for?
Forbes just published its 2018 edition of the "Richest Person In Every State." Despite the fact that the U.S. has more billionaires than any other country in the world, there are six states where no billionaires reside -- where only "centimillionaires" dwell. One of those six is NOT Kentucky. Who is the richest person in the Commonwealth and how much is he worth? ABC's Cheri Preston takes a look with Tony.
Foreign policy issues abound in Washington as South Korea‘s president heads for talks in Washington. Secretary of State Pompeo has issued a list of tough demands to Iran, and with a trade squabble ironed out for now, the U.S and China are arguing now over military presence in the South China Sea. NBC News Radio's Bill Zimpfer is following.