Mind. Blown. Check this hungry escalator who swallowed this man whole. Believe it or not he was saved after about an hour thanks to rescue workers! See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"
On April 4, 1968, at 6:01PM, an assassin named James Earl Ray took aim with a Remington .30-06 rifle and squeezed off a single shot that changed the the civil rights movement forever. Tony looks back on this day 50 years ago with NBC News Radio's Bill Zimpfer
There's a lot going on in Frankfort with teachers and spending bills. KY Representative Jason Nemes joins Tony.
Panic at YouTube’s headquarters during an active shooter situation as employees fled the building and other neighboring buildings in San Bruno, California were put on lockdown. A product manager for YouTube wrote on Twitter: “I looked down and saw blood drips on the floor and stairs.” Hospitals and police reported there were at least four victims.
How do you know when it's time to log off facebook? Dr. Charles Pemberton joins to talk about it.
There are reports that America’s emergency-response networks remain dangerously vulnerable to criminals bent on crippling the country’s critical infrastructure. Who has been affected? Who is doing the hacking? What do we know about the hackers and how do we stop this? Could this become a bigger concern? Bigger targets?