Nothing creepy about this...nope, nothing at all.....except maybe the beginning signs we as humans are becoming less relevant every day. Thanks Boston Dynamics. See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"
JCPS Superintendent Marty Pollio officially has the "interim" tag removed from his title and joins Tony to talk about his plans for the future of JCPS.
Mayor Greg Fischer joins Tony to talk about the turnaround at Metro Animal Services, as well as the Mayor's upcoming trip to to India.
Meet the Russian curler Anastasia Bryzgalova who was melting down twitter last night.
She was "hangry" but Clohe Kim brought home the gold! Meanwhile Shaun White threw down a nearly perfect qualifying round as he goes for gold today. ABC's Alex Stone is there and offers up Tony an update from South Korea!
Immigration, the budget and infrastructure are all making headlines in Washington. NBC News Radio's Sharon Reid is monitoring both fronts and breaks it down with Tony.