Why this day could get a whole lot worse for these unsuspecting bus riders. How does this even happen? See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"
President Trump speaks about Vegas before heading there tomorrow after a stop in Puerto Rico. How were his remarks received? NBC NewsRadio's Joe Gomez breaks it down with Tony.
Rock legend Tom Petty was taken off life support after suffering a heart attack Monday. NBC News Radio's Bill Zimpfer remembers the rock legend.
A total of 16 guns were found in the suspected Las Vegas shooter's hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino with another 18 found in his home, according to multiple law enforcement sources. Among the guns were high-powered rifles considered capable of penetrating police armor. Additional ammunition found indicates that the shooting, which, at press time, had left 59 people dead and injured 515, could have been much worse, had police not intervened when they did. One official said Paddock had a camera mounted in the room, apparently to record himself. Alex anchored live coverage as events unfolded yesterday and joins Tony on the latest.