Prank going to far or all in good fun? What caused this guy to pass out? See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"
Remember when you were a kid and were told if you dug a hole through the center of the earth you would come out in China? Now it's possible to see exactly where you would end up. We tried it from the front door of the station. Looks like we'll need a bathing suit! Try it for yourself!
Ed Sheeran's appearance on Sunday's Game of Thrones has upset the internet while Radiohead has a message for those who don't want them to play tonight.
The Texas Legislature has been gaveled into a special session and controversy is on the agenda. Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered lawmakers to come up with restrictions on who can use which public accommodations. Abbott calls it a matter of protecting women and children from sexual predators; members of the LGBT community say it’s blatant discrimination. ABC's Jim Ryan breaks it down with Tony.
Senate Republicans are plotting their next move after efforts to repeal and place Obamacare collapse. NBC News Radio's Joe Gomez takes a look from inside the beltway with Tony.