What was it that had this news anchor so stunned while on the air? See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"
Just how safe are Kentucky's workplaces? Secretary of Labor and former UK football star Derrick Ramsey stops by to talk it over with Tony Cruise.
The Federal Communications Commission has joined the investigation into a weekend incident that rattled the nerves and disrupted the sleep of thousands of people in Dallas. For 90 minutes on Friday night into Saturday morning, all of the city’s 156 emergency sirens – the ones that normally sound when tornadoes or other violent weather approach – spontaneously and simultaneously started wailing. The emergency preparedness director says it was no accident: Someone hacked into the system and activated the sirens. ABC’s Jim Ryan breaks it down with Tony Cruise.
One person puts the coin in, another person spins the wheels. The machine hits a jackpot. Who gets it? The answer might not be what you think.