Monday, January 4, 2021

One minute you're fishing, the next the earth is moving. See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"

As the new year begins, the political world is focusing on Georgia, with Senate runoff races to be held Tuesday. NBC News Radio's Bill Zimpfer joins Tony with the latest on early voter turnout, and the polls heading into the critical Senate election.

NBC News Radio's Michael Bower joins Tony to break down the latest efforts to speed up the vaccine rollout.

For the third time in just over three years, police have answered a shots-fired call at a church in Texas. This time it was Starrville Methodist Church in the tiny East Texas gown of Winona. Sunday’s shooting happened before services had begun when the pastor opened the door to a bathroom and found a man hiding inside. The Smith County sheriff says the suspect grabbed the pastor’s gun and shot him to death with it, wounded another person and then fled. ABC's Jim Ryan joins Tony with the latest.

Amidst a pandemic and social upheaval, the stock markets did well in 2020. What can you expect moving forward? CBS News' Senior Business Analyst Jill Schlessinger joins Tony with a look.

Metro Council President David James is running for a 4th term as council president as he joins Tony to reflect on the Council’s accomplishments in 2020 and looks ahead to 2021.

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