Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Who knew?  How to pass a slow car with nothing more than a tooth brush!  See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"!

Christmas candy is a ubiquitous part of the season: candy canes, peppermint bark and ginger-flavored everything (not to mention those weird cookie/candy things called Pfeffernusse). The website surveyed over 13,000 customers who were all too happy to rank the worst Christmas candies ever. also listed some of the new sweets introduced this year: Mac & Cheese candy canes anyone?  Cheri Preston takes a look at some of the worst candy out there with Tony.

Despite a proliferation in surveillance cameras and phone-app security systems, the theft of packages from front porches only seems to be increasing. In Arkansas, they've taken it one step further as local and state officials have been joined by federal prosecutors in a program they’re calling “Operation Porch Pirate” where at least one suspect is facing federal charges in Arkansas.  ABC's Jim Ryan breaks it down with Tony.

Is there a breakthrough in the effort to head off a partial government shutdown this week? NBC News Radio National Correspondent Michael Bower has the details with Tony.

Another missing person mystery is in the headlines. It's the case of 29 year old Kelsey Berreth, last seen on Thanksgiving in Colorado. NBC News Radio’s Bill Zimpfer has examined the case and updates Tony on the status of the investigation, and look at possible suspects.

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