Monday, October 1, 2018

How low can you go??  Wait for it...(that's pretty impressive!).  See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"

As the senate prepares to vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the investigation continues. NBC News Radio Correspondent Michael Bower has the latest with Tony. 

Are wages finally on the rise?  CBS News Senior Business Analyst Jill Schlesinger joins Tony with a look.

Did you change your Facebook password after Friday’s security breach? If you didn’t, you may want to. Facebook found a security “issue” that led to an attack on nearly 50 million Facebook accounts, with 40 million more accounts possibly affected. This “issue” had to do with Facebook’s “View As” feature, which allows people to see what their own profile looks like to someone else. How did the attack happen? And what can you do to protect your account? ABC News’ Cheri Preston has the answers with Tony. 

After a busy and at times emotional week on Capitol Hill, the Brett Kavanaugh nomination process is on hold as the FBI investigates the President's pick for the Supreme Court. On Friday, President Trump directed the agency to launch a supplemental investigation into Kavanaugh at the request of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In a statement, Mr. Trump said he wanted the updated investigation to "be limited in scope" and "completed in less than one week."  CBS News Legal Analyst Thane Rosenbaum breaks down the investigation with Tony.

Are we in the beginning stages of "Cold War 2.0"? U.S. intelligence officials say we may be, with Russia and China presenting growing problems for the United States. What's their reasoning, and what new problems do these countries present? NBC News Radio's Bill Zimpfer has the latest.

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