Thursday, September 20, 2018

This guy!  He walked away (wait for it.....) with just bruises!!!  See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"

What is the latest on the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh?  NBC News Radio’s Michael Bower has have overnight developments with Tony.

Exhaustion and frustration are building in the Carolinas as thousands of people wait to go home days after Hurricane Florence unleashed epic floods. President Trump visited North and South Carolina, offering food and words to flooded-out residents. But some are just ready to go home after days in shelters, and the death toll is growing. At least 37 have died in three states.   ABC's Ryan Burrow is in Fayetteville NC and offers a look at how that town is recovering with Tony.

Twenty-four million homeowners believe that it’s acceptable to tap into home equity to keep up with regular household bills, according to a new report. The sentiment is highest amongst Millennials (ages 18-37), the lowest earners and the less educated.'s Greg McBride talks numbers with Tony.

The Korean summit wrapped up today and the leaders of North and South Korea are already proclaiming they've taken great steps toward peace.  How does the United States figure in to Kim Jong Un's denuclearization plan?  What is President Trump saying?  Meanwhile after another round of tariff battles between the U.S. and China, will proposed trade talks still take place?  What U.S. corporate giant was spared from the effects of the latest Trump tariffs?  NBC News Radio’s Bill Zimpfer has the latest with Tony.

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