Tuesday, March 6, 2018

This guy ran this motorist down and demanded he get out of his car.  Good idea or bad?  Hero? What would you do?  See for yourself in today's "Video of the Day"

Bill Cosby’s retrial is starting to take shape.  NBC News Radio's Bill Zimpfer is in Philadelphia where he will again be tried on charges of sexual assault.

Amazon.com is in talks to create a checking-account-like product with big banks such as JPMorgan Chase & Co.  If this does in fact happen, you can add that to the myriad ways Amazon is now a part of consumers' lives, including food shopping at Whole Foods, reading or listening to books, and streaming music and videos. As Amazon upends other retail businesses including groceries and healthcare, banks have long feared they might be next.

President Trump and the Prime Minister of Israel met in Washington at a time when a trade war may be brewing.  NBC News Radio's Michael Bower has been following developments in the West Wing of the White House

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